– Countdown Voices: Listen to the 8-day countdown voices that were used for the release countdown of DRAMAtical Murder (12.03.15-12.03.23) and DRAMAtical Murder re:connect (13.04.18-13.04. – 2012 April Fools -Aoba’s Twitter Log-: See Aoba’s twitter log. Includes magazine-exclusives art (from Cool-B and B’s LOG) and Limited Edition wallpapers. – Special Gallery: See the official art that was made when DMMd was developed. Play as Aoba and strike through as you play a match with the DMMd cast! Wow weve been waiting forever for this But here it is guys, FINALLY, the sequel to DRAMAtical Murder - DMMD re:Connect (). – Character Matching Game: This is a minigame where you match cards. – DRAMAtical Mother (DRAMAtical Moder in English Translation Patch): Nitro+CHiRAL’s 2012 April Fools ‘title’ made its way to this game! Watch the special 8-bit ‘RPG’ movies that took place in the DMMd world. – THE CHIRAL NIGHT -Dive into DMMd-: Read the special ADV scenes that were presented on Nitro+CHiRAL’s 2012 Concert, as well as Web Voices!
It offers ending afterstories of the endings of the original game. This is the fandisc of DRAMAtical Murder.